Saturday 13 September 2014

[2014] Baseline Analysis of Thondamanaru Lagoon

In 2014, I volunteered in a team of professors and research assistants on a project to analyze biological and socio-economic parameters of a lagoon ecosystem. This lagoon has been central to many disputes in my hometown, Jaffna.

I was responsible for editing and producing 
  • Four one-hour long documentaries 
  • Ten-minute trailer (given below)

Main activities

Compile available data on fauna and flora, hydrology, socio-economic status (literature survey.
Fortnightly sampling from June 2014 to Dec 2014 at 20 locations within the study sites.
Water samples will be assessed for EC, temperature, pH, DO, ORP, TDS (total dissolved solids), salinity, concentration of Cl-, HCO3- (bicarbonates). 

  • Assessment of fauna and flora
  • Meetings with the lagoon dependent communities to obtain the current socio-economic status 
  • Awareness programmes to introduce the value of the Thondaimanaru Lagoon ecosystem and the conservation strategy to University students, school children, general public and government security forces around the lagoon.


  • Data base on fauna and flora hydrological and socioeconomics
  • Management plan for the Thondaimanaru lagoon
  • five documentary films 
  • Field guide titled Guide to the  Thondaimanaru Lagoon

More information

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